flowers 1There were too many photos to put into one post, so you’re stuck with Banyuls again. Hardship, right?

police stationThis time we’ll zoom in on a few charming details around the town. For example, how often does the word “adorable”  come up in connection with “police station”? And that scooter is cuteness itself.

Plus it had CLEAN public toilets on the other side! Four of them! With soap and everything!

The wise people of Banyuls knew to leave well enough alone in some cases….

old sign

while keeping most of the place spiffy. There was a lot of Belle Epoque architecture.

belle epoque house 2

building 2


belle epoque house

They had some interesting ideas about electricity, sometimes charming

electric box

sometimes not. I suppose it’s inevitable with stone walls.

electric wires

There were some cute vehicles.

But parking is difficult.

parked car 1
Better not forget the parking brake. (Do you see the van, up high?)

parking flood sign

This sign near the beach says: Attention drivers. In case of a storm, please URGENTLY evacuate your vehicle. The town cannot be held liable in any case.

Of course, steep hills + solid rock or buildings everywhere + sudden rain = flash flood. Get a load of these foundations:

The people of Banyuls like to decorate, whether it’s a rock outcropping, an electric meter cover or a paella pan.

paella painting

Mostly with good taste.

Nicely planted palms around a little bandstand and square.
olive tree
This olive tree must be a couple hundred years old.
street light
Wonderful street lamps. The wiring, not so much.

On the flatter, more spread-out end of town, the villas hid behind grand gates.

gate 5

gate 4

gate 3

gate 2

gate 1

More modest homes also had handsome entries, even if they seemed sized for third graders.

And they are crazy about flowers. Especially bougainvillea, in every neon shade.

flowers 7

flowers 2

flowers 3

flowers 4

flowers 5

flowers 6

flowers 8

flowers 10

flowers 9

flowers 13 cactus

flowers 12

flowers 11

There was another verbiose sign:

boules rules

“Thank you for your public-spiritedness”! These pétanque players seemed to be minding the rules.


Must be rough playing right next to the beach, especially on hot summer nights.

wine shop 1

Banyuls is a highly recommended day trip from Carcassonne. And until you can come, you can pretend, by getting a bottle of Banyuls’ famous fortified wine (it’s like port, but DO NOT say that to anybody from Banyuls). Santé!

17 thoughts on “Another round of Banyuls

  1. Oh, such lovely colors. And those gates, oh my.
    I went to Collioure one day with friends several years ago, and it still looked as it had when M. Matisse and friends were painting there a century earlier. But more cars.
    Thanks for a little dose of the Med.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you…thank you…how many times have a said that to you….Our weather has been hotter than yours. 30° today. This is supposed to be a temperate rain forest. I feel as if I’m in the South of France.


    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s pretty. I think I went on a day trip to Carcassonne at the tender age of 18, but I remember nothing. I love the different plants from the North. I think that was an aloe plant halfway up on that van picture. So neat.


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